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Gary Erickson's company has grown 30% every year since 1998 but still, it's different. He and his wife refused a $100 million offer to sell their business. In 2000, Gary hired a staff ecologist, who took steps such as eliminating shrink-wrap on bulk-product boxes, which now saves 90,000 pounds of plastic annually. From inception, they launched the 2080 program at work where employees can do vo... posted on Oct 09 2003, 878 reads


She waited, near death, for eight hours before a British man happened along. She would ride 14 hours over rutted roads, in three different vehicles, before landing in a hospital in Thailand. She was bedridden for more than a year and has undergone 20 surgeries. Nearly two years after the accident, for her 40th birthday, she climbed Mount Kilimanjaro, sat at the top and contemplated what she reall... posted on Oct 08 2003, 1,222 reads


Ron Clark never planned on being a teacher. After college, he traveled around the world, living a life full of adventure; but after getting terribly sick, he ended up back at home in rural North Carolina, teaching at a local school. After five years of teaching, he heard about schools in East Harlem, New York that were failing because of a lack of good teachers. So he quit his job, packed his bag... posted on Oct 07 2003, 824 reads


... posted on Oct 06 2003, 605 reads


... posted on Oct 05 2003, 457 reads


The heart pumps blood. But that's not it. Science is now showing that the heart is much more, that it is no coincidence that we feel positive emotional states in the heart! After extensive research, one of the early pioneers in neurocardiology, Dr. J. Andrew Armour, introduced the concept of a functional "heart brain" in 1991. His work revealed that the heart has a complex intrinsic nervous sys... posted on Oct 04 2003, 913 reads


500 tons of good intention. That's right. For five years, they've been planting a row for the hungry and donating the produce. Couple months back, volunteers at Village Harvest hit their million pound mark!... posted on Oct 03 2003, 491 reads


Blind Leading the Blind
She's blind herself. So when she arrived in Tibet to help the blind, the community could hardly believe their eyes! Sabriye Tenberken is a German voyager to this Himalayan region known as the "roof of the world" and created the first Tibetan Braille system. Her 'Braille without Borders' program is also expanding to various other regions of the continent.... posted on Oct 02 2003, 1,239 reads


English words are connected by just three degrees of separation! Word association can link just about any two common words in the English language using an average of three steps, says a team of scientists in Arizona. The semantic links between English words make the thesaurus a 'small world', much as the network of human social interactions connect us all by six degrees of separation.... posted on Oct 01 2003, 934 reads


In September, 1930, Native Americans from 14 different Plains tribes gathered at Browning, Montana for a US-sponsored conference. The plaque at the exhibit today explains that the Bureau of Indian Affairs tape recorded the entire proceedings, but because of different dialects, the various tribes all communicated by sign language.... posted on Sep 30 2003, 1,061 reads


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John Hayes

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